Heng E. Zuo
Phone: 277-0646
Physical Address
Mechanical Engineering Building
Building #
122 on the UNM map

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Postdoctoral Associate, Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, MIT, 2021-2022
Ph.D., Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering, MIT, 2017-2021
M.Sc., Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering, MIT, 2014-2017
B.Sc., Engineering Mechanics, School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, 2010-2014
Dr. Zuo’s research interest lies at the junction of optics, mechanics, micro-/nano-engineering, computational modeling, and astronomy, with a focus on furthering the development and applications of high-performance space optical engineering systems. She is focused on designing and developing methods for fabricating and correcting space optical components, in combination with the implementation of advanced micromachining technologies such as femtosecond laser micromachining, assisted with finite element analysis and material testing. Her past research includes advancing technologies to aid in fabricating thin-shell high-resolution X-ray space telescope mirrors in the sub-half arcsecond HPD domain, including mirror figuring and correction technology, coating stress compensation techniques, and metrology development.
Dr. Zuo is joining the faculty of The University of New Mexico in August 2022. Before that, she was affiliated with MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, MIT Microsystems Technology Laboratories, and MIT Materials Research Science and Engineering Centers. She has also been members of multiple professional societies including SPIE, OSA, APS, ASPE, AIAA, and SWE.
Teaching Interests
- Dynamics (ME 306)
- Computational mechanics
Research Interests
- Space optics development & applications (high energy (UV/X-ray) astronomy mirrors, adaptive optics, free space optical communication)
- Advanced laser micromachining & ultrafast laser material processing
- Numerical modeling of thin optics