Research Areas

Thermal & Fluid Systems

(Faculty: Hasan, KoutsakisPoroseva, Vorobieff, Wang)

  • Computational fluid dynamics and turbulence flows
  • Hydrodynamic instabilities; multiphase flows; shock-accelerated flows
  • Advanced flow field measurement techniques
  • High-performance computing
  • Thermal control of space vehicles
  • Aerospace propulsion

Dynamics & Control

(Faculty: Danielson, Russell, Sorrentino, Wan)

  • Dynamics and controls of complex dynamical networks
  • Orbital mechanics
  • Spacecraft dynamics, maneuvers, guidance, navigation, and control
  • Modeling and simulation of race car performance
  • Robotics and autonomous systems

Materials & Solid Mechanics

(Faculty: Chabi, Jackson, Khraishi, KumarShenZuo)

  • Additive manufacturing
  • Composite materials, smart materials, and nanostructured materials
  • Materials for energy storage and conversion
  • Multi-scale mechanics of materials
  • Advanced materials development

Renewable Energies

(Faculty: Chabi, Poroseva, Sorrentino, Vorobieff)

  • Renewable energy integration and power transmission
  • Solar, wind and ocean energy
  • Management and control of distributed energy systems and microgrid
  • Electrochemical energy conversion and storage systems: fuel cells, batteries, and supercapacitors

Microsystems Engineering

(Faculty: Jackson, Pleil, Shen)

  • Design, fabrication and characterization of MEMS and nano devices
  • Mechanical integrity of microelectronic devices and packages
  • Micro-devices for energy harvesting
  • Acoustic resonators


(Faculty: Jackson, Khraishi, Sorrentino)

  • Biomechanics
  • Bio-MEMS
  • Atomizer technology
  • Autophagy dynamics