Pankaj Kumar
Phone: 505-277-5613
Physical Address
Room 423
Mechanical Engineering Building
Building #
122 on the UNM map
Mailing Address
MSC01 1150
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1070

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D., Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, USA
M.S., Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IN
B. Tech., Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, IN
Dr. Pankaj Kumar joined as an assistant professor in the Mechanical Engineering department at The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, in August 2020. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Following doctoral work, he explored the physical, mechanical, and electrochemical behavior of additive manufactured materials during his two years stint as a postdoc at the University of Utah. Then, he joined the University of Nevada, Reno as a research assistant professor in the Chemical and Materials Engineering department, and continued exploring research in the additive manufacturing area.
Dr. Kumar’s research is in the broader areas of advanced manufacturing and materials design for novel structural and functional applications. His research includes material concepts with specific emphasis on advanced manufacturing, materials processing, and physical and mechanical metallurgy. His research also includes improving understanding of the micro-mechanisms of materials damage such as fatigue, creep, etc.
Teaching Interests
- Mechanical Engineering Design
- Advanced Manufactuirng
Research Interests
- Advanced Manufactuirng
- Additive Manufacturing
- Materials for Extreme Environments
- Alloys and Microstructure Design
- Powder Metallurgy
- Materials Characterization
- Mechanical Behavior of Materials
- Fatigue, Creep, and Fracture
- Materials Modeling